Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Suprem Court To override Contributions

Until recently demonstrators "United Ruling are requesting to allow donating to any campaign candidates. Financing candidates without any limits to how much could be donated. President Obama is against removing the cap on amounts.That would mean any individual could donate to any candidate over a million dollars. This to me could be very negative as undue influenced could boost a candidate through the pose more so on funds verses the role and influence the candidate has their race for candidacy. I feel this comes at no great time for the republican party to make there stride to the finish line off of who contracts the most donations and those donations could make the difference in the race and poles. President Obama is stressing that this should not be taken lightly and the supreme court should not rule in its favor to allow any amount in donations. Solicitor General Donald Verilli, representative of the Obama Administration also urging Supreme Courts to uphold the limits and prevent what he calls "massive contrubutions". Justice Stephen Breyer states that this case should be returned to lower court systems to develop more evidence on this proposal. -New York Times, By; Adams Liptak

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