Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Improving Performance and Accountability

It is most certain that the American people feel the government have not done a good job to get our nation on track. And maybe we feel this way because we are un informed and when we are informed it is relayed and delayed by the media. I to must admit that it has crossed my mine several times if the the government have taken any action to improve our budget and find a solution to maintain a healthy nation. I stumbled upon this article that clearly states that the national government have put a goal in place to improve the Federal Government. For instance the FY2013 budget a two-year agency priority, focused on strategic goals and leadership. The administrations have also set priority for cross -agencies such as focusing on exports, entrepreneurship and creating small businesses, it is also focused on energy efficiency, veteran career readiness, technology, engineering, cyber security just to name a few. Our nation is still growing I believe if we all stay informed and become an active part of our national and federal government, we will all be appreciative of everyones role in our nation. 
We must get involved!


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